Source code for ml4chem.atomistic.models.neuralnetwork

import dask
import datetime
import logging
import time
import torch

import numpy as np
import pandas as pd
from collections import OrderedDict
from ml4chem.metrics import compute_rmse
from ml4chem.atomistic.models.base import DeepLearningModel, DeepLearningTrainer
from ml4chem.atomistic.models.loss import AtomicMSELoss
from ml4chem.optim.handler import get_optimizer, get_lr_scheduler, get_lr
from ml4chem.utils import convert_elapsed_time, get_chunks, get_number_of_parameters
from pprint import pformat

# Setting precision and starting logger object
logger = logging.getLogger()

[docs]class NeuralNetwork(DeepLearningModel, torch.nn.Module): """Atom-centered Neural Network Regression with Pytorch This model is based on Ref. 1 by Behler and Parrinello. Parameters ---------- hiddenlayers : tuple Structure of hidden layers in the neural network. activation : str Activation functions. Supported "tanh", "relu", or "celu". References ---------- 1. Behler, J. & Parrinello, M. Generalized Neural-Network Representation of High-Dimensional Potential-Energy Surfaces. Phys. Rev. Lett. 98, 146401 (2007). 2. Khorshidi, A. & Peterson, A. A. Amp : A modular approach to machine learning in atomistic simulations. Comput. Phys. Commun. 207, 310–324 (2016). """ NAME = "PytorchPotentials"
[docs] @classmethod def name(cls): """Returns name of class""" return cls.NAME
def __init__(self, hiddenlayers=(3, 3), activation="relu", **kwargs): super(DeepLearningModel, self).__init__() self.hiddenlayers = hiddenlayers self.activation = activation
[docs] def prepare_model(self, input_dimension, data=None, purpose="training"): """Prepare the model Parameters ---------- input_dimension : int Input's dimension. data : object Data object created from the handler. purpose : str Purpose of this model: 'training', 'inference'. """ self.input_dimension = input_dimension activation = { "tanh": torch.nn.Tanh, "relu": torch.nn.ReLU, "celu": torch.nn.CELU, } hl = len(self.hiddenlayers) if purpose == "training":" ")"Model")"=====") now = "Module accessed on {}.".format(now.strftime("%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S")) )"Model name: {}.".format("Number of hidden-layers: {}".format(hl)) "Structure of Neural Net: {}".format( "(input, " + str(self.hiddenlayers)[1:-1] + ", output)" ) ) layers = range(len(self.hiddenlayers) + 1) try: unique_element_symbols = data.unique_element_symbols[purpose] except TypeError: unique_element_symbols = data.get_unique_element_symbols(purpose=purpose) unique_element_symbols = unique_element_symbols[purpose] symbol_model_pair = [] for symbol in unique_element_symbols: linears = [] intercept_name = "intercept_" + symbol slope_name = "slope_" + symbol if purpose == "training": intercept = (data.max_energy + data.min_energy) / 2.0 intercept = torch.nn.Parameter( torch.tensor(intercept, requires_grad=True) ) slope = (data.max_energy - data.min_energy) / 2.0 slope = torch.nn.Parameter(torch.tensor(slope, requires_grad=True)) self.register_parameter(intercept_name, intercept) self.register_parameter(slope_name, slope) elif purpose == "inference": intercept = torch.nn.Parameter(torch.tensor(0.0)) slope = torch.nn.Parameter(torch.tensor(0.0)) self.register_parameter(intercept_name, intercept) self.register_parameter(slope_name, slope) for index in layers: # This is the input layer if index == 0: out_dimension = self.hiddenlayers[0] _linear = torch.nn.Linear(input_dimension, out_dimension) linears.append(_linear) linears.append(activation[self.activation]()) # This is the output layer elif index == len(self.hiddenlayers): inp_dimension = self.hiddenlayers[index - 1] out_dimension = 1 _linear = torch.nn.Linear(inp_dimension, out_dimension) linears.append(_linear) # These are hidden-layers else: inp_dimension = self.hiddenlayers[index - 1] out_dimension = self.hiddenlayers[index] _linear = torch.nn.Linear(inp_dimension, out_dimension) linears.append(_linear) linears.append(activation[self.activation]()) # Stacking up the layers. linears = torch.nn.Sequential(*linears) symbol_model_pair.append([symbol, linears]) self.linears = torch.nn.ModuleDict(symbol_model_pair) if purpose == "training": total_params, train_params = get_number_of_parameters(self)"Total number of parameters: {}.".format(total_params))"Number of training parameters: {}.".format(train_params))" ") # Iterate over all modules and just intialize those that are # a linear layer. logger.warning( "Initialization of weights with Xavier Uniform by " "default." ) for m in self.modules(): if isinstance(m, torch.nn.Linear): # nn.init.normal_(m.weight) # , mean=0, std=0.01) torch.nn.init.xavier_uniform_(m.weight)
[docs] def forward(self, X): """Forward propagation This is forward propagation and it returns the atomic energy. Parameters ---------- X : list List of inputs in the feature space. Returns ------- outputs : tensor A list of tensors with energies per image. """ outputs = [] for hash in X: image = X[hash] atomic_energies = [] for symbol, x in image: # FIXME this conditional can be removed after de/serialization # is fixed. if isinstance(symbol, bytes): symbol = symbol.decode("utf-8") x = self.linears[symbol](x) intercept_name = "intercept_" + symbol slope_name = "slope_" + symbol slope = getattr(self, slope_name) intercept = getattr(self, intercept_name) x = (slope * x) + intercept atomic_energies.append(x) atomic_energies = image_energy = torch.sum(atomic_energies) outputs.append(image_energy) outputs = torch.stack(outputs) return outputs
[docs] def get_activations(self, images, model=None, numpy=True): """Get activations of each hidden-layer This function allows to extract activations of each hidden-layer of the neural network. Parameters ---------- image : dict Image with structure hash, features. model : object A ML4Chem model object. numpy : bool Whether we want numpy arrays or tensors. Returns ------- activations : DataFrame A DataFrame with activations for each layer. """ activations = [] columns = ["hash", "atom.index", "atom.symbol"] if model is None: model = self model.eval() for hash, data in images.items(): for index, (symbol, features) in enumerate(data): counter = 0 layer_counter = 0 for l, layer in enumerate(model.linears[symbol].modules()): if isinstance(layer, torch.nn.Linear) and counter == 0: x = layer(features) if numpy: data_ = [hash, index, symbol, x.detach_().numpy()] else: data_ = [hash, index, symbol, x.detach_()] layer_column_name = f"layer{layer_counter}" if layer_column_name not in columns: columns.append(layer_column_name) counter += 1 layer_counter += 1 elif isinstance(layer, torch.nn.Linear) and counter > 0: x = layer(x) if numpy: data_.append(x.detach_().numpy()) else: data_.append(x.detach_()) layer_column_name = f"layer{layer_counter}" if layer_column_name not in columns: columns.append(layer_column_name) counter += 1 layer_counter += 1 activations.append(data_) del data_ # Create DataFrame from lists df = pd.DataFrame(activations, columns=columns) return df
[docs]class train(DeepLearningTrainer): """Train the model Parameters ---------- inputs : dict Dictionary with hashed feature space. targets : list The expected values that the model has to learn aka y. model : object The NeuralNetwork class. data : object Data object created from the handler. optimizer : tuple The optimizer is a tuple with the structure: >>> ('adam', {'lr': float, 'weight_decay'=float}) epochs : int Number of full training cycles. regularization : float This is the L2 regularization. It is not the same as weight decay. convergence : dict Instead of using epochs, users can set a convergence criterion. Supported keys are "training" and "test". lossfxn : obj A loss function object. device : str Calculation can be run in the cpu or cuda (gpu). batch_size : int Number of data points per batch to use for training. Default is None. lr_scheduler : tuple Tuple with structure: scheduler's name and a dictionary with keyword arguments. >>> lr_scheduler = ('ReduceLROnPlateau', {'mode': 'min', 'patience': 10}) uncertainty : list A list of uncertainties that are used to penalize during the loss function evaluation. checkpoint : dict Set checkpoints. Dictionary with following structure: >>> checkpoint = {"label": label, "checkpoint": 100, "path": ""} `label` refers to the name used to save the checkpoint, `checkpoint` is a integer or -1 for saving all epochs, and the path is where the checkpoint is stored. Default is None and no checkpoint is saved. test : dict A dictionary used to compute the error over a validation/test set during training procedures. >>> test = {"features": test_space, "targets": test_targets, "data": data_test} The keys,values of the dictionary are: - "data": a `Data` object. - "targets": test set targets. - "features": a feature space obtained using `features.calculate()`. """ def __init__( self, inputs, targets, model=None, data=None, optimizer=(None, None), regularization=None, epochs=100, convergence=None, lossfxn=None, device="cpu", batch_size=None, lr_scheduler=None, uncertainty=None, checkpoint=None, test=None, ): self.initial_time = time.time() if lossfxn is None: lossfxn = AtomicMSELoss"")"Training")"========")"Convergence criteria: {convergence}")"Loss function: {lossfxn.__name__}") if uncertainty is not None:"Options:")" - Uncertainty penalization: {pformat(uncertainty)}")"") atoms_per_image = data.atoms_per_image if batch_size is None: batch_size = len(inputs.values()) if isinstance(batch_size, int): # Data batches chunks = list(get_chunks(inputs, batch_size, svm=False)) targets = list(get_chunks(targets, batch_size, svm=False)) atoms_per_image = list(get_chunks(atoms_per_image, batch_size, svm=False)) if uncertainty != None: uncertainty = list(get_chunks(uncertainty, batch_size, svm=False)) uncertainty = [ torch.tensor(u, requires_grad=False, dtype=torch.float) for u in uncertainty ]"")"Batch Information")"-----------------")"Number of batches: {}.".format(len(chunks)))"Batch size: {} elements per batch.".format(batch_size))" ") atoms_per_image = [ torch.tensor(n_atoms, requires_grad=False, dtype=torch.float) for n_atoms in atoms_per_image ] targets = [torch.tensor(t, requires_grad=False) for t in targets] if device == "cuda":"Moving data to CUDA...") atoms_per_image = atoms_per_image.cuda() targets = targets.cuda() _inputs = OrderedDict() for hash, f in inputs.items(): _inputs[hash] = [] for features in f: symbol, vector = features _inputs[hash].append((symbol, vector.cuda())) inputs = _inputs move_time = time.time() - self.initial_time h, m, s = convert_elapsed_time(move_time) "Data moved to GPU in {} hours {} minutes {:.2f} \ seconds.".format( h, m, s ) )" ") # Define optimizer self.optimizer_name, self.optimizer = get_optimizer( optimizer, model.parameters() ) if lr_scheduler is not None: self.scheduler = get_lr_scheduler(self.optimizer, lr_scheduler) self.atoms_per_image = atoms_per_image self.convergence = convergence self.device = device self.epochs = epochs self.model = model self.lr_scheduler = lr_scheduler self.lossfxn = lossfxn self.checkpoint = checkpoint self.test = test # Data scattering client = dask.distributed.get_client() self.chunks = [client.scatter(chunk) for chunk in chunks] self.targets = [client.scatter(target) for target in targets] if uncertainty != None: self.uncertainty = [client.scatter(u) for u in uncertainty] else: self.uncertainty = uncertainty # Let the hunger games begin... self.trainer()
[docs] def trainer(self): """Run the training class"""" ")"Starting training...\n") if self.test is None: "{:6s} {:19s} {:12s} {:12s} {:8s}".format( "Epoch", "Time Stamp", "Loss", "Error/img", "Error/atom" ) ) "{:6s} {:19s} {:12s} {:8s} {:8s}".format( "------", "-------------------", "------------", "------------", "------------", ) ) else: test_features = self.test.get("features", None) test_targets = self.test.get("targets", None) test_data = self.test.get("data", None) "{:6s} {:19s} {:12s} {:12s} {:12s} {:12s} {:16s}".format( "Epoch", "Time Stamp", "Loss", "Error/img", "Error/atom", "Error/img (t)", "Error/atom (t)", ) ) "{:6s} {:19s} {:12s} {:8s} {:8s} {:8s} {:8s}".format( "------", "-------------------", "------------", "------------", "------------", "------------", "------------", ) ) converged = False _loss = [] _rmse = [] epoch = 0 client = dask.distributed.get_client() while not converged: epoch += 1 self.optimizer.zero_grad() # clear previous gradients loss, outputs_ = train.closure( self.chunks, self.targets, self.uncertainty, self.model, self.lossfxn, self.atoms_per_image, self.device, ) # We step the optimizer if self.optimizer_name != "LBFGS": self.optimizer.step() else: options = {"closure": self.closure, "current_loss": loss, "max_ls": 10} self.optimizer.step(options) # RMSE per image and per/atom rmse = client.submit(compute_rmse, *(outputs_, self.targets)) atoms_per_image = rmse_atom = client.submit( compute_rmse, *(outputs_, self.targets, atoms_per_image) ) rmse = rmse.result() rmse_atom = rmse_atom.result() _loss.append(loss.item()) _rmse.append(rmse) # In the case that lr_scheduler is not None if self.lr_scheduler is not None: self.scheduler.step(loss) print("Epoch {} lr {}".format(epoch, get_lr(self.optimizer))) ts = time.time() ts = datetime.datetime.fromtimestamp(ts).strftime("%Y-%m-%d " "%H:%M:%S") if self.test is None: "{:6d} {} {:8e} {:4e} {:4e}".format( epoch, ts, loss.detach(), rmse, rmse_atom ) ) else: test_model = self.model.eval() test_predictions = test_model(test_features).detach() rmse_test = client.submit( compute_rmse, *(test_predictions, test_targets) ) atoms_per_image_test = torch.tensor( test_data.atoms_per_image, requires_grad=False ) rmse_atom_test = client.submit( compute_rmse, *(test_predictions, test_targets, atoms_per_image_test), ) rmse_test = rmse_test.result() rmse_atom_test = rmse_atom_test.result() "{:6d} {} {:8e} {:4e} {:4e} {:4e} {:4e}".format( epoch, ts, loss.detach(), rmse, rmse_atom, rmse_test, rmse_atom_test, ) ) if self.checkpoint is not None: self.checkpoint_save(epoch, self.model, **self.checkpoint) if self.convergence is None and epoch == self.epochs: converged = True elif self.convergence is not None and rmse < self.convergence["energy"]: converged = True training_time = time.time() - self.initial_time h, m, s = convert_elapsed_time(training_time) "Training finished in {} hours {} minutes {:.2f} seconds.".format(h, m, s) )
[docs] @classmethod def closure( Cls, chunks, targets, uncertainty, model, lossfxn, atoms_per_image, device ): """Closure This class method clears previous gradients, iterates over batches, accumulates the gradients, reduces the gradients, update model params, and finally returns loss and outputs_. Parameters ---------- Cls : object Class object. chunks : tensor or list Tensor with input data points in batch with index. targets : tensor or list The targets. uncertainty : list A list of uncertainties that are used to penalize during the loss function evaluation. model : obj Pytorch model to perform forward() and get gradients. lossfxn : obj A loss function object. atoms_per_image : list Atoms per image because we are doing atom-centered methods. device : str Are we running cuda or cpu? """ outputs_ = [] # Get client to send futures to the scheduler client = dask.distributed.get_client() running_loss = torch.tensor(0, dtype=torch.float) accumulation = [] grads = [] # Accumulation of gradients for index, chunk in enumerate(chunks): accumulation.append( client.submit( train.train_batches, *( index, chunk, targets, uncertainty, model, lossfxn, atoms_per_image, device, ), ) ) dask.distributed.wait(accumulation) accumulation = client.gather(accumulation) for outputs, loss, grad in accumulation: grad = np.array(grad, dtype=object) running_loss += loss outputs_.append(outputs) grads.append(grad) grads = sum(grads) for index, param in enumerate(model.parameters()): param.grad = torch.tensor(grads[index], dtype=torch.float) del accumulation del grads return running_loss, outputs_
[docs] @classmethod def train_batches( Cls, index, chunk, targets, uncertainty, model, lossfxn, atoms_per_image, device ): """A function that allows training per batches Parameters ---------- index : int Index of batch. chunk : tensor or list Tensor with input data points in batch with index. targets : tensor or list The targets. model : obj Pytorch model to perform forward() and get gradients. uncertainty : list A list of uncertainties that are used to penalize during the loss function evaluation. lossfxn : obj A loss function object. atoms_per_image : list Atoms per image because we are doing atom-centered methods. device : str Are we running cuda or cpu? Returns ------- loss : tensor The loss function of the batch. """ inputs = OrderedDict(chunk) outputs = model(inputs) if uncertainty == None: loss = lossfxn(outputs, targets[index], atoms_per_image[index]) else: loss = lossfxn( outputs, targets[index], atoms_per_image[index], uncertainty[index] ) loss.backward() gradients = [] for param in model.parameters(): try: gradient = param.grad.detach().numpy() except AttributeError: # This exception catches the case where an image does not # contain variable that is following the gradient of certain # atom. For example, suppose two batches with 2 molecules each. # In the first batch we have only C, H, O but it turns out that # N is also available only in the second batch. The # contribution of the total gradient from the first batch for N is 0. gradient = 0.0 gradients.append(gradient) return outputs, loss, gradients