Source code for ml4chem.atomistic.models.autoencoders

import dask
import datetime
import logging
import time
import torch

import numpy as np
from collections import OrderedDict
from ml4chem.metrics import compute_rmse
from ml4chem.atomistic.models.base import DeepLearningModel
from ml4chem.atomistic.models.loss import MSELoss
from ml4chem.optim.handler import get_optimizer, get_lr_scheduler
from ml4chem.utils import convert_elapsed_time, get_chunks, lod_to_list

# Setting precision and starting logger object
logger = logging.getLogger()

[docs]class AutoEncoder(DeepLearningModel, torch.nn.Module): """Fully connected atomic autoencoder AutoEncoders are very interesting models where usually the input is reconstructed (input equals output). These models are able to learn data coding in an unsupervised manner. They are composed by an encoder that takes an input and concentrate (encodes) the information in a lower/larger dimensional space (aka latent space). Subsequently, a decoder takes the latent space and tries to reconstruct the input. It is been reported that when the output is not equal to the input, the model learns how to 'translate' input into output e.g. image coloring. This module uses autoencoders for pipelines in chemistry. Parameters ---------- hiddenlayers : dict Dictionary with encoder, and decoder layers in the Auto Encoder. activation : str The activation function. one_for_all : bool Use one autoencoder model for all atoms instead of a model per atom type as in the Behler-Parrinello scheme. Default is False. Notes ----- When defining the hiddenlayers keyword argument, input and output dimensions are automatically determined. For example, suppose you have an input data point with 10 dimensions and you want to autoencode with targets having 14 dimensions, a latent space with 4 dimensions and just one hidden layer with 5 nodes between input-layer / latent-layer and latent-layer / output-layer. Your `hiddenlayers` dictionary would look like this: >>> hiddenlayers = {'encoder': (5, 4), 'decoder': (4, 5)} That would generate an autoencoder with topology (10, 5, 4 | 4, 5, 14). """ NAME = "AutoEncoder"
[docs] @classmethod def name(cls): """Returns name of class""" return cls.NAME
def __init__( self, hiddenlayers=None, activation="relu", one_for_all=False, **kwargs ): super(DeepLearningModel, self).__init__() self.hiddenlayers = hiddenlayers self.activation = activation self.one_for_all = one_for_all # A white list of supported kwargs. supported_keys = ["variant"] # If kwarg is supported but not passed we initialize as None. if len(kwargs.items()) == 0: for k in supported_keys: setattr(self, k, None) else: for k, v in kwargs.items(): if k in supported_keys: setattr(self, k, v)
[docs] def prepare_model( self, input_dimension, output_dimension, data=None, purpose="training" ): """Prepare the model Parameters ---------- input_dimension : int Input's dimension. output_dimension : int Output's dimension. data : object Data object created from the handler. purpose : str Purpose of this model: 'training', 'inference'. """ self.input_dimension = input_dimension self.output_dimension = output_dimension activation = { "tanh": torch.nn.Tanh, "relu": torch.nn.ReLU, "celu": torch.nn.CELU, } if purpose == "training":"Model")"=====")"Model name: {}.".format( "Structure of {}: {}".format(, "(input, " + str(self.hiddenlayers)[1:-1] + ", output)" ) ) if == "VAE": "Variant: {}. One for all: {}.".format(self.variant, self.one_for_all) ) try: unique_element_symbols = data.unique_element_symbols[purpose] except TypeError: unique_element_symbols = data.get_unique_element_symbols(purpose=purpose) unique_element_symbols = unique_element_symbols[purpose] if self.one_for_all: encoder = [] encoder_layers = self.hiddenlayers["encoder"] decoder = [] decoder_layers = self.hiddenlayers["decoder"] """ Encoder """ out_dimension = encoder_layers[0] _encoder = torch.nn.Linear(input_dimension, out_dimension) encoder.append(_encoder) encoder.append(activation[self.activation]()) for inp_dim, out_dim in zip(encoder_layers, encoder_layers[1:]): _encoder = torch.nn.Linear(inp_dim, out_dim) encoder.append(_encoder) encoder.append(activation[self.activation]()) if == "VAE": keys = ["h", "mu", "logvar"] mu = [] logvar = [] index = -3 for _ in range(2): index += 1 if index == -2: mu.append(encoder.pop(index)) else: encoder.pop(index) h = torch.nn.Sequential(*encoder) logvar = torch.nn.Linear(inp_dim, out_dim) logvar = torch.nn.Sequential(*[logvar]) mu = torch.nn.Sequential(*mu) values = [h, mu, logvar] encoder = torch.nn.ModuleDict(list(map(list, zip(keys, values)))) else: encoder = torch.nn.Sequential(*encoder) """ Decoder """ for inp_dim, out_dim in zip(decoder_layers, decoder_layers[1:]): decoder.append(torch.nn.Linear(inp_dim, out_dim)) decoder.append(activation[self.activation]()) inp_dim = out_dim if self.variant == "multivariate": h = torch.nn.Sequential(*decoder) mu = torch.nn.Linear(inp_dim, output_dimension) mu = torch.nn.Sequential(*[mu]) logvar = torch.nn.Linear(inp_dim, output_dimension) logvar = torch.nn.Sequential(*[logvar]) values = [h, mu, logvar] decoder = torch.nn.ModuleDict(list(map(list, zip(keys, values)))) else: decoder.append(torch.nn.Linear(inp_dim, output_dimension)) decoder = torch.nn.Sequential(*decoder) self.encoders = encoder self.decoders = decoder else: symbol_encoder_pair = [] symbol_decoder_pair = [] for symbol in unique_element_symbols: encoder = [] encoder_layers = self.hiddenlayers["encoder"] decoder = [] decoder_layers = self.hiddenlayers["decoder"] """ Encoder """ # The first encoder's layer for symbol out_dimension = encoder_layers[0] _encoder = torch.nn.Linear(input_dimension, out_dimension) encoder.append(_encoder) encoder.append(activation[self.activation]()) for inp_dim, out_dim in zip(encoder_layers, encoder_layers[1:]): _encoder = torch.nn.Linear(inp_dim, out_dim) encoder.append(_encoder) encoder.append(activation[self.activation]()) # Stacking up the layers. if == "VAE": keys = ["h", "mu", "logvar"] mu = [] logvar = [] index = -3 for _ in range(2): index += 1 if index == -2: mu.append(encoder.pop(index)) else: encoder.pop(index) h = torch.nn.Sequential(*encoder) logvar = torch.nn.Linear(inp_dim, out_dim) logvar = torch.nn.Sequential(*[logvar]) mu = torch.nn.Sequential(*mu) values = [h, mu, logvar] encoder = torch.nn.ModuleDict(list(map(list, zip(keys, values)))) else: encoder = torch.nn.Sequential(*encoder) symbol_encoder_pair.append([symbol, encoder]) """ Decoder """ for inp_dim, out_dim in zip(decoder_layers, decoder_layers[1:]): decoder.append(torch.nn.Linear(inp_dim, out_dim)) decoder.append(activation[self.activation]()) inp_dim = out_dim if self.variant == "multivariate": h = torch.nn.Sequential(*decoder) mu = torch.nn.Linear(inp_dim, output_dimension) mu = torch.nn.Sequential(*[mu]) logvar = torch.nn.Linear(inp_dim, output_dimension) logvar = torch.nn.Sequential(*[logvar]) values = [h, mu, logvar] decoder = torch.nn.ModuleDict(list(map(list, zip(keys, values)))) else: # The last decoder layer for symbol decoder.append(torch.nn.Linear(inp_dim, output_dimension)) # According to this video # real numbered inputs need no activation function in the output # layer decoder.append(activation[self.activation]()) # Stacking up the layers. decoder = torch.nn.Sequential(*decoder) symbol_decoder_pair.append([symbol, decoder]) self.encoders = torch.nn.ModuleDict(symbol_encoder_pair) self.decoders = torch.nn.ModuleDict(symbol_decoder_pair) if purpose == "training": # Iterate over all modules and just initialize those that are # a linear layer. logger.warning( "Initialization of weights with Xavier Uniform by " "default." ) for m in self.modules(): if isinstance(m, torch.nn.Linear): # nn.init.normal_(m.weight) # , mean=0, std=0.01) torch.nn.init.xavier_uniform_(m.weight)
[docs] def encode(self, x, symbol=None): """Encode input Parameters ---------- x : array Input array. symbol : str, optional Chemical symbol. Default is None. Returns ------- z Latent vector. """ if symbol is None: z = self.encoders(x) else: z = self.encoders[symbol](x) return z
[docs] def decode(self, z, symbol=None): """Decode latent vector, z Parameters ---------- z : array Latent vector. symbol : str, optional Chemical symbol. Default is None. Returns ------- reconstruction Tensor with reconstruction. """ if symbol is None: reconstruction = self.decoders(z) else: reconstruction = self.decoders[symbol](z) return reconstruction
[docs] def forward(self, X): """Forward propagation This method takes an input and applies encoder and decoder layers. Parameters ---------- X : list List of inputs either raw or in the feature space. Returns ------- outputs : tensor Decoded latent vector. """ outputs = [] for hash, image in X.items(): for symbol, x in image: if self.one_for_all: z = self.encode(x) output = self.decode(z) else: z = self.encode(x, symbol=symbol) output = self.decode(z, symbol=symbol) outputs.append(output) outputs = torch.stack(outputs) return outputs
[docs] def get_latent_space(self, X, svm=False, purpose=None): """Get latent space for training ML4Chem models This method takes an input and use the encoder to return latent space in the structure needed for training ML4Chem models or visualization. Parameters ---------- X : list List of inputs either raw or in the feature space. svm : bool Whether or not these latent vectors are going to be used for kernel methods. purpose : str The purpose for this latent space. This is just useful for the case where the latent space will be preprocessed (purpose='preprocessing'). Returns ------- latent_space : dict Latent space with structure: {'hash': [('H', [latent_vector]]} Notes ----- The latent space saved with this function creates a dictionary that can operate with other parts of this package. Note that if you would need to get the latent space for an unseen structure then you will have to forward propagate and get the latent_space. """ # FIXME parallelize me if purpose == "preprocessing": hashes = [] latent_space = [] symbols = [] for hash, image in X.items(): hashes.append(hash) _symbols = [] for symbol, x in image: if self.one_for_all: latent_vector = self.encode(x) else: latent_vector = self.encode(x, symbol=symbol) _symbols.append(symbol) if svm: _latent_vector = latent_vector.detach().numpy() else: _latent_vector = latent_vector.detach() latent_space.append(_latent_vector) symbols.append(_symbols) if svm: latent_space = np.array(latent_space) return hashes, symbols, latent_space else: latent_space = torch.stack(latent_space) return latent_space else: latent_space = OrderedDict() if isinstance(X, tuple): X = X[0] for hash, image in X.items(): latent_space[hash] = [] for symbol, x in image: if self.one_for_all: latent_vector = self.encode(x) else: latent_vector = self.encode(x, symbol=symbol) if svm: _latent_vector = latent_vector.detach().numpy() else: _latent_vector = latent_vector.detach() latent_space[hash].append((symbol, _latent_vector)) return latent_space
[docs]class VAE(AutoEncoder): """Variational Autoencoder (VAE) This module uses variational autoencoders for pipelines in chemistry. Parameters ---------- hiddenlayers : dict Dictionary with encoder, and decoder layers in the Auto Encoder. activation : str The activation function. variant : str The following variants are supported: - "multivariate": decoder outputs a distribution with mean and variance, we minimize the negative of the log likelihood plus the KL-Divergence. Useful for continuous variables. Feature range [-inf, inf]. - "bernoulli": decoder outputs a layer with sigmoid activation function, and we minimize cross-entropy plus KL-diverence. Features must be in a range [0, 1]. - "dcgan": decoder outputs a single layer with tanh, and loss equals to KL-Diverngence plus MSELoss. Useful for feature ranges [-1, 1]. one_for_all : bool Use one autoencoder model for all atoms instead of a model per atom type as in the Behler-Parrinello scheme. Default is False. Notes ----- When defining the hiddenlayers keyword argument, input and output dimensions are automatically determined. For example, suppose you have an input data point with 10 dimensions and you want to autoencode with targets having 14 dimensions, a latent space with 4 dimensions and just one hidden layer with 5 nodes between input-layer / latent-layer and latent-layer / output-layer. Your `hiddenlayers` dictionary would look like this: >>> hiddenlayers = {'encoder': (5, 4), 'decoder': (4, 5)} That would generate an autoencoder with topology (10, 5, 4 | 4, 5, 14). """ NAME = "VAE"
[docs] @classmethod def name(cls): """Returns name of class""" return cls.NAME
[docs] def encode(self, x, symbol=None): """Encode input Parameters ---------- x : array Input array. symbol : str, optional Chemical symbol. Default is None. Returns ------- mu, logvar Mean and variance. """ if symbol is None: h = self.encoders["h"](x) mu = self.encoders["mu"](h) logvar = self.encoders["logvar"](h) else: h = self.encoders[symbol]["h"](x) mu = self.encoders[symbol]["mu"](h) logvar = self.encoders[symbol]["logvar"](h) return mu, logvar
[docs] def decode(self, z, symbol=None): """Decode latent vector, z Parameters ---------- z : array Latent vector. symbol : str, optional Chemical symbol. Default is None. Returns ------- reconstruction Tensor with reconstruction. Notes ----- See page 11 "Kingma, D. P. & Welling, M. Auto-Encoding Variational Bayes. (2013)". """ if self.variant == "multivariate": if symbol is None: h = self.decoders["h"](z) mu = self.decoders["mu"](h) logvar = self.decoders["logvar"](h) else: h = self.decoders[symbol]["h"](z) mu = self.decoders[symbol]["mu"](h) logvar = self.decoders[symbol]["logvar"](h) return mu, logvar elif self.variant == "bernoulli": if symbol is None: reconstruction = self.decoders(z) else: reconstruction = self.decoders[symbol](z) return torch.sigmoid(reconstruction) elif self.variant == "dcgan": if symbol is None: reconstruction = self.decoders(z) else: reconstruction = self.decoders[symbol](z) return torch.tanh(reconstruction) else: raise NotImplementedError
[docs] def reparameterize(self, mu, logvar, purpose=None): """Reparameterization trick This trick samples the posterior (a latent vector) from a multivariate Gaussian probability distribution. At the same time it allows the model to be backward-propagated. Parameters ---------- mu : tensor Mean values of distribution. logvar : tensor Logarithm of variance of distribution. Returns ------- Sample vector A sample from the distribution. """ if purpose is None: raise ("You need to provide a purpose") elif purpose == "training": std = torch.exp(0.5 * logvar) eps = torch.randn_like(std) return mu + eps * std else: return mu
[docs] def forward(self, X): """Forward propagation This method takes an input and applies encoder and decoder layers. Parameters ---------- X : list List of inputs either raw or in the feature space. Returns ------- mu and logvar for two multivariate gaussian Decoded latent vector. """ mus_latent = [] logvars_latent = [] mus_decoder = [] logvars_decoder = [] outputs = [] for hash, image in X.items(): for symbol, x in image: if self.one_for_all: mu_latent, logvar_latent = self.encode(x) else: mu_latent, logvar_latent = self.encode(x, symbol=symbol) z = self.reparameterize(mu_latent, logvar_latent, purpose="training") mus_latent.append(mu_latent) logvars_latent.append(logvar_latent) if self.variant == "multivariate": if self.one_for_all: mu_decoder, logvar_decoder = self.decode(z) else: mu_decoder, logvar_decoder = self.decode(z, symbol=symbol) mus_decoder.append(mu_decoder) logvars_decoder.append(logvar_decoder) else: if self.one_for_all: reconstruction = self.decode(z) else: reconstruction = self.decode(z, symbol=symbol) outputs.append(reconstruction) mus_latent = torch.stack(mus_latent) logvars_latent = torch.stack(logvars_latent) if self.variant == "multivariate": mus_decoder = torch.stack(mus_decoder) logvars_decoder = torch.stack(logvars_decoder) return mus_decoder, logvars_decoder, mus_latent, logvars_latent else: outputs = torch.stack(outputs) return outputs, mus_latent, logvars_latent
[docs] def get_latent_space(self, X, svm=False, purpose=None): """Get latent space for training ML4Chem models This method takes an input and use the encoder to return latent space in the structure needed for training ML4Chem models or visualization. Parameters ---------- X : list List of inputs either raw or in the feature space. svm : bool Whether or not these latent vectors are going to be used for kernel methods. purpose : str The purpose for this latent space. This is just useful for the case where the latent space will be preprocessed (purpose='preprocessing'). Returns ------- latent_space : dict Latent space with structure: {'hash': [('H', [latent_vector]]} Notes ----- The latent space saved with this function creates a dictionary that can operate with other parts of this package. Note that if you would need to get the latent space for an unseen structure then you will have to forward propagate and get the latent_space. """ if purpose is None: raise ("You need to provide a purpose") # FIXME parallelize me if purpose == "preprocessing": hashes = [] latent_space = [] symbols = [] for hash, image in X.items(): hashes.append(hash) _symbols = [] for symbol, x in image: if self.one_for_all: mu_latent, logvar_latent = self.encode(x) else: mu_latent, logvar_latent = self.encode(x, symbol=symbol) latent_vector = self.reparameterize( mu_latent, logvar_latent, purpose="latent" ) _symbols.append(symbol) if svm: _latent_vector = latent_vector.detach().numpy() else: _latent_vector = latent_vector.detach() latent_space.append(_latent_vector) symbols.append(_symbols) if svm: latent_space = np.array(latent_space) return hashes, symbols, latent_space else: latent_space = torch.stack(latent_space) return latent_space else: latent_space = OrderedDict() for hash, image in X.items(): latent_space[hash] = [] for symbol, x in image: if self.one_for_all: mu_latent, logvar_latent = self.encode(x) else: mu_latent, logvar_latent = self.encode(x, symbol=symbol) latent_vector = self.reparameterize( mu_latent, logvar_latent, purpose=purpose ) if svm: _latent_vector = latent_vector.detach().numpy() else: _latent_vector = latent_vector.detach() latent_space[hash].append((symbol, _latent_vector)) return latent_space
[docs]class train(object): """Train the model Parameters ---------- inputs : dict Dictionary with hashed feature space. targets : list The expected values that the model has to learn aka y. model : object The NeuralNetwork class. data : object Data object created from the handler. optimizer : tuple The optimizer is a tuple with the structure: >>> ('adam', {'lr': float, 'weight_decay'=float}) epochs : int Number of full training cycles. regularization : float This is the L2 regularization. It is not the same as weight decay. convergence : dict Instead of using epochs, users can set a convergence criterion. lossfxn : obj A loss function object. device : str Calculation can be run in the cpu or cuda (gpu). batch_size : int Number of data points per batch to use for training. Default is None. lr_scheduler : tuple Tuple with structure: scheduler's name and a dictionary with keyword arguments. >>> lr_scheduler = ('ReduceLROnPlateau', {'mode': 'min', 'patience': 10}) anneal : bool Cyclical annealing based on penalize_latent : bool Set to True if latent vectors are going to be penalized. Default is False. """ def __init__( self, inputs, targets, model=None, data=None, optimizer=(None, None), regularization=None, epochs=100, convergence=None, lossfxn=None, device="cpu", batch_size=None, lr_scheduler=None, **kwargs ): supported_keys = ["anneal", "penalize_latent"] if len(kwargs.items()) == 0: for k in supported_keys: setattr(self, k, None) else: for k, v in kwargs.items(): if k in supported_keys: setattr(self, k, v) self.initial_time = time.time() if device == "cuda": pass """'Moving data to CUDA...') targets = targets.cuda() _inputs = OrderedDict() for hash, f in inputs.items(): _inputs[hash] = [] for features in f: symbol, vector = features _inputs[hash].append((symbol, vector.cuda())) del inputs inputs = _inputs move_time = time.time() - initial_time h, m, s = convert_elapsed_time(move_time)'Data moved to GPU in {} hours {} minutes {:.2f} seconds.' .format(h, m, s)) """ if batch_size is None: batch_size = len(inputs.values()) if isinstance(batch_size, int): chunks = list(get_chunks(inputs, batch_size, svm=False)) targets_ = list(get_chunks(targets, batch_size, svm=False)) del targets # This change is needed because the targets are features or # positions and they are built as a dictionary. targets = lod_to_list(targets_)"Batch size: {} elements per batch.".format(batch_size)) if device == "cuda":"Moving data to CUDA...") targets = targets.cuda() _inputs = OrderedDict() for hash, f in inputs.items(): _inputs[hash] = [] for features in f: symbol, vector = features _inputs[hash].append((symbol, vector.cuda())) inputs = _inputs move_time = time.time() - self.initial_time h, m, s = convert_elapsed_time(move_time) "Data moved to GPU in {} hours {} minutes {:.2f} \ seconds.".format( h, m, s ) )" ") # Define optimizer self.optimizer_name, self.optimizer = get_optimizer( optimizer, model.parameters() ) if lr_scheduler is not None: self.scheduler = get_lr_scheduler(self.optimizer, lr_scheduler) if lossfxn is None: self.lossfxn = MSELoss self.inputs_chunk_vals = None else:"Using custom loss function...")"") self.lossfxn = lossfxn self.inputs_chunk_vals = self.get_inputs_chunks(chunks)" ")"Starting training...")" ") "{:6s} {:19s} {:12s} {:9s}".format("Epoch", "Time Stamp", "Loss", "Rec Err") ) "{:6s} {:19s} {:12s} {:9s}".format( "------", "-------------------", "------------", "--------" ) ) # Data scattering client = dask.distributed.get_client() self.chunks = [client.scatter(chunk) for chunk in chunks] self.targets = [client.scatter(target) for target in targets] self.device = device self.epochs = epochs self.model = model self.lr_scheduler = lr_scheduler self.convergence = convergence # Let the hunger game begin... self.trainer()
[docs] def trainer(self): """Run the training class""" converged = False _loss = [] _rmse = [] epoch = 0 annealer = Annealer() while not converged: epoch += 1 if self.anneal: annealing = annealer.update(epoch) print(annealing) else: annealing = None self.optimizer.zero_grad() # clear previous gradients args = { "chunks": self.chunks, "targets": self.targets, "model": self.model, "lossfxn": self.lossfxn, "device": self.device, "inputs_chunk_vals": self.inputs_chunk_vals, "annealing": annealing, } if self.penalize_latent: args.update({"penalize_latent": self.penalize_latent}) loss, outputs_ = train.closure(**args) if self.optimizer_name != "LBFGS": self.optimizer.step() else: self.optimizer.extra_arguments = args options = {"closure": train.closure, "current_loss": loss, "max_ls": 10} self.optimizer.step(options) # RMSE per image and per/atom rmse = [] client = dask.distributed.get_client() rmse = client.submit(compute_rmse, *(outputs_, self.targets)) rmse = rmse.result() _loss.append(loss.item()) _rmse.append(rmse) if self.lr_scheduler is not None: self.scheduler.step(loss) ts = time.time() ts = datetime.datetime.fromtimestamp(ts).strftime("%Y-%m-%d " "%H:%M:%S")"{:6d} {} {:8e} {:8f}".format(epoch, ts, loss, rmse)) if self.convergence is not None and rmse < self.convergence["rmse"]: converged = True elif self.convergence is not None and epoch == self.epochs: converged = True elif self.convergence is None and epoch == self.epochs: converged = True # elif cycles == stop: # converged = True training_time = time.time() - self.initial_time h, m, s = convert_elapsed_time(training_time) "Training finished in {} hours {} minutes {:.2f} seconds.".format(h, m, s) )
[docs] @classmethod def closure( Cls, chunks, targets, model, lossfxn, device, inputs_chunk_vals=None, annealing=None, penalize_latent=False, ): """Closure This method clears previous gradients, iterates over chunks, accumulate the gradients, update model params, and return loss. """ outputs_ = [] # Get client to send futures to the scheduler client = dask.distributed.get_client() loss_fn = torch.tensor(0, dtype=torch.float) accumulation = [] grads = [] # Accumulation of gradients for index, chunk in enumerate(chunks): accumulation.append( client.submit( train.train_batches, *( index, chunk, targets, model, lossfxn, device, inputs_chunk_vals, annealing, penalize_latent, ) ) ) dask.distributed.wait(accumulation) # accumulation = dask.compute(*accumulation, # scheduler='distributed') accumulation = client.gather(accumulation) for index, chunk in enumerate(accumulation): outputs = chunk[0] loss = chunk[1] grad = np.array(chunk[2]) loss_fn += loss outputs_.append(outputs) grads.append(grad) grads = sum(grads) for index, param in enumerate(model.parameters()): param.grad = torch.tensor(grads[index]) del accumulation del grads return loss_fn, outputs_
[docs] @classmethod def train_batches( Cls, index, chunk, targets, model, lossfxn, device, inputs_chunk_vals, annealing, penalize_latent, ): """A function that allows training per batches Parameters ---------- index : int Index of batch. chunk : tensor or list Tensor with input data points in batch with index. targets : tensor or list The targets. model : obj Pytorch model to perform forward() and get gradients. lossfxn : obj A loss function object. device : str Are we running cuda or cpu? inputs_chunk_vals : tensor or list Inputs needed by EncoderMapLoss Returns ------- loss : tensor The loss function of the batch. """ inputs = OrderedDict(chunk) try: loss_name = lossfxn.__name__ except: loss_name = lossfxn.__class__.__name__ if == "VAE": if model.variant == "multivariate": mus_decoder, logvars_decoder, mus_latent, logvars_latent = model(inputs) args = { "targets": targets[index], "mus_decoder": mus_decoder, "logvars_decoder": logvars_decoder, "mus_latent": mus_latent, "logvars_latent": logvars_latent, "annealing": annealing, "variant": model.variant, "input_dimension": model.input_dimension, } else: outputs, mus_latent, logvars_latent, = model(inputs) args = { "outputs": outputs, "targets": targets[index], "mus_latent": mus_latent, "logvars_latent": logvars_latent, "annealing": annealing, "variant": model.variant, "input_dimension": model.input_dimension, } else: outputs = model(inputs) args = {"outputs": outputs, "targets": targets[index]} # Latent space penalization if penalize_latent: latent = { "latent": model.get_latent_space( inputs, svm=False, purpose="preprocessing" ) } args.update(latent) if loss_name == "EncoderMapLoss": latent = { "latent": model.get_latent_space( inputs, svm=False, purpose="preprocessing" ) } args.update(latent) # In the case of using EncoderMapLoss the inputs are needed, too. args.update({"inputs": inputs_chunk_vals[index]}) if loss_name == "TopologicalLoss": latent = { "z": model.get_latent_space( inputs, svm=False, purpose="preprocessing" ) } args.update(latent) # In the case of using TopologicalLoss the inputs are needed, too. args.update({"X": inputs_chunk_vals[index]}) loss = lossfxn(**args) loss.backward() gradients = [] for param in model.parameters(): gradients.append(param.grad.detach().numpy()) if model.variant == "multivariate": return mus_decoder, loss, gradients else: return outputs, loss, gradients
[docs] @staticmethod def get_inputs_chunks(chunks): """Get inputs in chunks for EncoderMapLoss Returns ------- inputs_chunk_vals A list with inputs_chunk_vals. """ inputs_chunk_vals = [] for c in chunks: c = OrderedDict(c) vectors = [] for hash in c.keys(): features = c[hash] for symbol, vector in features: vectors.append(vector.detach().numpy()) vectors = torch.tensor(vectors, requires_grad=False) inputs_chunk_vals.append(vectors) return inputs_chunk_vals
[docs]class Annealer(object): """Annealing class Based on on Parameters ---------- warm_up : int, optional Number of epochs that we let reconstruction to dominate VAE, by default 50 step : int, optional Number of steps to increase from 0 to 1, by default 50 n_cycles : int, optional The number of cycles we will repeat the annealing, by default 5 """ def __init__(self, warm_up=50, step=50, n_cycles=5): self.step = 1 / step self.warming = 0 self.cycles = 0 self.n_cycles = n_cycles self.warm_up = warm_up self.annealing = 0
[docs] def update(self, epoch): """Update annealing value Parameters ---------- epoch : int Epoch on the training process. Returns ------- annealing Float number with annealing magnitude. """ if self.cycles < self.n_cycles: if self.warming < self.warm_up: self.warming += 1 elif self.warming == self.warm_up: self.annealing += self.step self.warming += 1 else: self.annealing += self.step if np.isclose(self.annealing, 1.0): self.warming = 0 self.cycles += 1 self.annealing = 0 return self.annealing else: return 1.0