Source code for ml4chem.atomistic.features.gaussian

import dask
import datetime
import logging
import os
import time
import dask.array as da
import numpy as np
import pandas as pd
from import atomic_numbers
from collections import OrderedDict
from ml4chem.atomistic.features.cutoff import Cosine
from ml4chem.atomistic.features.base import AtomisticFeatures
from import dump, load
from import Preprocessing
from ml4chem.utils import get_chunks, get_neighborlist, convert_elapsed_time

logger = logging.getLogger()

[docs]class Gaussian(AtomisticFeatures): """Behler-Parrinello symmetry functions This class builds local chemical environments for atoms based on the Behler-Parrinello Gaussian type symmetry functions. It is modular enough that can be used just for creating feature spaces. Parameters ---------- cutoff : float Cutoff radius used for computing features. cutofffxn : object A Cutoff function object. normalized : bool Set it to true if the features are being normalized with respect to the cutoff radius. preprocessor : str Use some scaling method to preprocess the data. Default MinMaxScaler. custom : dict, opt Create custom symmetry functions, and override defaults. Default is None. The structure of the dictionary is as follows: >>> custom = {'G2': {'etas': etas}, 'G3': {'etas': a_etas, 'zetas': zetas, 'gammas': gammas}} save_preprocessor : str Save preprocessor to file. scheduler : str The scheduler to be used with the dask backend. filename : str Path to save database. Note that if the filename exists, the features will be loaded without being recomputed. overwrite : bool If overwrite is set to True, ml4chem will not try to load existing databases. Default is True. angular_type : str Compute "G3" or "G4" angular symmetry functions. weighted : bool True if applying weighted feature of Gaussian function. See Ref. 2. batch_size : int Number of data points per batch to use for training. Default is None. References ---------- 1. Behler, J. Atom-centered symmetry functions for constructing high-dimensional neural network potentials. J. Chem. Phys. 134, 074106 (2011). 2. Gastegger, M., Schwiedrzik, L., Bittermann, M., Berzsenyi, F. & Marquetand, P. wACSF—Weighted atom-centered symmetry functions as descriptors in machine learning potentials. J. Chem. Phys. 148, 241709 (2018). """ NAME = "Gaussian"
[docs] @classmethod def name(cls): """Returns name of class""" return cls.NAME
def __init__( self, cutoff=6.5, cutofffxn=None, normalized=True, preprocessor=("MinMaxScaler", None), custom=None, save_preprocessor="ml4chem", scheduler="distributed", filename="features.db", overwrite=True, angular_type="G3", weighted=False, batch_size=None, ): super(Gaussian, self).__init__() cutoff_keys = ["radial", "angular"] if isinstance(cutoff, (int, float)): cutoff = {cutoff_key: cutoff for cutoff_key in cutoff_keys} self.normalized = normalized self.filename = filename self.scheduler = scheduler self.preprocessor = preprocessor self.save_preprocessor = save_preprocessor self.overwrite = overwrite self.angular_type = angular_type.upper() self.weighted = weighted self.batch_size = batch_size # Let's add parameters that are going to be stored in the .params json # file. self.params = OrderedDict() self.params["name"] = # We verify that values of parameters are list otherwise they cannot be # serialized by json. # These keys are very likely to exist when doing inference keys = ["user_input", "GP"] if custom is None: custom = {key: custom for key in keys} elif ( custom is not None and len(list(set(keys).intersection(custom.keys()))) == 0 ): for value in custom.values(): for k, v in value.items(): if isinstance(v, list) is False: value[k] = v.tolist() custom = {"user_input": custom} self.custom = custom # This is a very general way of not forgetting to save variables _params = vars() # Delete useless variables delete = [ "self", "scheduler", "overwrite", "k", "v", "value", "keys", "batch_size", "__class__", "cutoff_keys", ] for param in delete: try: del _params[param] except KeyError: # In case the variable does not exist we just pass. pass for k, v in _params.items(): if v is not None: self.params[k] = v self.cutoff = cutoff self.cutofffxn = {} if cutofffxn is None: for cutoff_key in cutoff_keys: self.cutofffxn[cutoff_key] = Cosine(cutoff=self.cutoff[cutoff_key]) else: raise RuntimeError("This case is not implemented yet...")
[docs] def calculate(self, images=None, purpose="training", data=None, svm=False, GP=None): """Calculate the features per atom in an atoms objects Parameters ---------- image : dict Hashed images using the Data class. purpose : str The supported purposes are: 'training', 'inference'. data : obj data object svm : bool Whether or not these features are going to be used for kernel methods. Returns ------- feature_space : dict A dictionary with key hash and value as a list with the following structure: {'hash': [('H', [vector]]} reference_space : dict A reference space useful for SVM models. """ client = dask.distributed.get_client()" ")"Featurization")"=============") now ="Module accessed on {}.".format(now.strftime("%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S")))"Module name: {}.") # FIXME the block below should become a function. if os.path.isfile(self.filename) and self.overwrite is False: logger.warning(f"Loading features from {self.filename}.")" ") svm_keys = [b"feature_space", b"reference_space"] data = load(self.filename) data_hashes = list(data.keys()) image_hashes = list(images.keys()) if image_hashes == data_hashes: # Check if both lists are the same. return data elif any(i in image_hashes for i in data_hashes): # Check if any of the elem _data = {} for hash in image_hashes: _data[hash] = data[hash] return _data if svm_keys == list(data.keys()): feature_space = data[svm_keys[0]] reference_space = data[svm_keys[1]] return feature_space, reference_space initial_time = time.time() # Verify that we know the unique element symbols if data.unique_element_symbols is None:"Getting unique element symbols for {purpose}") unique_element_symbols = data.get_unique_element_symbols( images, purpose=purpose ) unique_element_symbols = unique_element_symbols[purpose]"Unique chemical elements: {unique_element_symbols}") elif isinstance(data.unique_element_symbols, dict): unique_element_symbols = data.unique_element_symbols[purpose]"Unique chemical elements: {unique_element_symbols}") # we make the features if GP is None: self.GP = self.custom.get("GP", None) else: self.GP = GP if self.GP is None: custom = self.custom.get("user_input", None) self.GP = self.make_symmetry_functions( unique_element_symbols, custom=custom, angular_type=self.angular_type ) self.custom.update({"GP": self.GP}) else:"Using parameters from file to create symmetry functions...\n") self.print_features_params(self.GP) symbol = data.unique_element_symbols[purpose][0] sample = np.zeros(len(self.GP[symbol])) self.dimension = len(sample) preprocessor = Preprocessing(self.preprocessor, purpose=purpose) preprocessor.set(purpose=purpose) # We start populating computations to get atomic features."")"Embarrassingly parallel computation of atomic features...") stacked_features = [] atoms_index_map = [] # This list is used to reconstruct images from atoms. if self.batch_size is None: self.batch_size = data.get_total_number_atoms() chunks = get_chunks(images, self.batch_size, svm=svm) ini = end = 0 for chunk in chunks: images_ = OrderedDict(chunk) intermediate = [] for image in images_.items(): _, image = image end = ini + len(image) atoms_index_map.append(list(range(ini, end))) ini = end for atom in image: index = atom.index symbol = atom.symbol cutoff_keys = ["radial", "angular"] n_symbols, neighborpositions = {}, {} if isinstance(self.cutoff, dict): for cutoff_key in cutoff_keys: nl = get_neighborlist(image, cutoff=self.cutoff[cutoff_key]) # n_indices: neighbor indices for central atom_i. # n_offsets: neighbor offsets for central atom_i. n_indices, n_offsets = nl[atom.index] n_symbols_ = np.array(image.get_chemical_symbols())[ n_indices ] n_symbols[cutoff_key] = n_symbols_ neighborpositions_ = image.positions[n_indices] + n_offsets, image.get_cell() ) neighborpositions[cutoff_key] = neighborpositions_ else: for cutoff_key in cutoff_keys: nl = get_neighborlist(image, cutoff=self.cutoff) # n_indices: neighbor indices for central atom_i. # n_offsets: neighbor offsets for central atom_i. n_indices, n_offsets = nl[atom.index] n_symbols_ = np.array(image.get_chemical_symbols())[ n_indices ] n_symbols[cutoff_key] = n_symbols_ neighborpositions_ = image.positions[n_indices] + n_offsets, image.get_cell() ) neighborpositions[cutoff_key] = neighborpositions_ afp = self.get_atomic_features( atom, index, symbol, n_symbols, neighborpositions, image_molecule=image, weighted=self.weighted, n_indices=n_indices, ) intermediate.append(afp) intermediate = client.persist(intermediate, scheduler=self.scheduler) stacked_features += intermediate del intermediate scheduler_time = time.time() - initial_time dask.distributed.wait(stacked_features) h, m, s = convert_elapsed_time(scheduler_time) "... finished in {} hours {} minutes {:.2f}" " seconds.".format(h, m, s) )"") if self.preprocessor is not None: scaled_feature_space = [] # To take advantage of dask_ml we need to convert our numpy array # into a dask array."Converting features to dask array...") stacked_features = [ da.from_delayed(lazy, dtype=float, shape=sample.shape) for lazy in stacked_features ] layout = {0: tuple(len(i) for i in atoms_index_map), 1: -1} # stacked_features = dask.array.stack(stacked_features, axis=0).rechunk(layout) stacked_features = da.stack(stacked_features, axis=0).rechunk(layout) "Shape of array is {} and chunks {}.".format( stacked_features.shape, stacked_features.chunks ) ) # Note that dask_ml by default convert the output of .fit # in a concrete value. if purpose == "training": stacked_features = stacked_features, scheduler=self.scheduler ) else: stacked_features = preprocessor.transform(stacked_features) atoms_index_map = [client.scatter(indices) for indices in atoms_index_map] # stacked_features = [client.scatter(features) for features in stacked_features] stacked_features = client.scatter(stacked_features, broadcast=True)"Stacking features using atoms index map...") for indices in atoms_index_map: features = client.submit( self.stack_features, *(indices, stacked_features) ) # features = self.stack_features(indices, stacked_features) scaled_feature_space.append(features) else: scaled_feature_space = [] atoms_index_map = [client.scatter(chunk) for chunk in atoms_index_map] stacked_features = client.scatter(stacked_features, broadcast=True) for indices in atoms_index_map: features = client.submit( self.stack_features, *(indices, stacked_features) ) scaled_feature_space.append(features) scaled_feature_space = client.gather(scaled_feature_space) # Clean del stacked_features # Restack images feature_space = [] if svm and purpose == "training":"Building array with reference space.") reference_space = [] for i, image in enumerate(images.items()): restacked = client.submit( self.restack_image, *(i, image, scaled_feature_space, svm) ) # image = (hash, ase_image) -> tuple for atom in image[1]: restacked_atom = client.submit( self.restack_atom, *(i, atom, scaled_feature_space) ) reference_space.append(restacked_atom) feature_space.append(restacked) reference_space = client.gather(reference_space) elif svm is False and purpose == "training": for i, image in enumerate(images.items()): restacked = client.submit( self.restack_image, *(i, image, scaled_feature_space, svm) ) feature_space.append(restacked) else: try: for i, image in enumerate(images.items()): restacked = client.submit( self.restack_image, *(i, image, scaled_feature_space, svm) ) feature_space.append(restacked) except UnboundLocalError: # scaled_feature_space does not exist. for i, image in enumerate(images.items()): restacked = client.submit( self.restack_image, *(i, image, feature_space, svm) ) feature_space.append(restacked) feature_space = client.gather(feature_space) feature_space = OrderedDict(feature_space) fp_time = time.time() - initial_time h, m, s = convert_elapsed_time(fp_time) "Featurization finished in {} hours {} minutes {:.2f}" " seconds.".format(h, m, s) ) if svm and purpose == "training": client.restart() # Reclaims memory aggressively preprocessor.save_to_file(preprocessor, self.save_preprocessor) if self.filename is not None:"features saved to {self.filename}.") data = {"feature_space": feature_space} data.update({"reference_space": reference_space}) dump(data, filename=self.filename) self.feature_space = feature_space self.reference_space = reference_space return self.feature_space, self.reference_space elif svm is False and purpose == "training": client.restart() # Reclaims memory aggressively preprocessor.save_to_file(preprocessor, self.save_preprocessor) if self.filename is not None:"features saved to {self.filename}.") dump(feature_space, filename=self.filename) self.feature_space = feature_space return self.feature_space else: self.feature_space = feature_space return self.feature_space
[docs] def to_pandas(self): """Convert features to pandas DataFrame""" return pd.DataFrame.from_dict(self.feature_space, orient="index")
[docs] def stack_features(self, indices, stacked_features): """Stack features """ features = [] for index in indices: features.append(stacked_features[index]) return features
@dask.delayed def get_atomic_features( self, atom, index, symbol, n_symbols, neighborpositions, n_indices=None, image_molecule=None, weighted=False, ): """Delayed class method to compute atomic features Parameters ---------- atom : object An ASE atom object. image : ase object, list List of atoms in an image. index : int Index of atom in atoms object. symbol : str Chemical symbol of atom in atoms object. n_symbols : ndarray of str Array of neighbors' symbols. neighborpositions : ndarray of float Array of Cartesian atomic positions. image_molecule : ase object, list List of atoms in an image. weighted : bool True if applying weighted feature of Gaussian function. See Ref. 2. """ cutoff_keys = ["radial", "angular"] num_symmetries = len(self.GP[symbol]) Ri = atom.position features = [None] * num_symmetries # See # n_numbers = [atomic_numbers[symbol] for symbol in n_symbols] n_numbers = [ atomic_numbers[item] for cutoff_key in cutoff_keys for item in n_symbols[cutoff_key] ] for count in range(num_symmetries): GP = self.GP[symbol][count] if GP["type"] == "G2": feature = calculate_G2( n_numbers, n_symbols["radial"], neighborpositions["radial"], GP["symbol"], GP["eta"], self.cutoff["radial"], self.cutofffxn["radial"], Ri, image_molecule=image_molecule, n_indices=n_indices, normalized=self.normalized, weighted=weighted, ) elif GP["type"] == "G3": feature = calculate_G3( n_numbers, n_symbols["angular"], neighborpositions["angular"], GP["symbols"], GP["gamma"], GP["zeta"], GP["eta"], self.cutoff["angular"], self.cutofffxn["angular"], Ri, normalized=self.normalized, image_molecule=image_molecule, n_indices=n_indices, weighted=weighted, ) elif GP["type"] == "G4": feature = calculate_G4( n_numbers, n_symbols, neighborpositions, GP["symbols"], GP["gamma"], GP["zeta"], GP["eta"], self.cutoff["angular"], self.cutofffxn["angular"], Ri, normalized=self.normalized, image_molecule=image_molecule, n_indices=n_indices, weighted=weighted, ) else: raise NotImplementedError( "The requested symmetry function is not implemented yet..." ) features[count] = feature return np.array(features)
[docs] def make_symmetry_functions(self, symbols, custom=None, angular_type="G3"): """Function to make symmetry functions This method needs at least unique symbols and defaults set to true. Parameters ---------- symbols : list List of strings with chemical symbols to create symmetry functions. >>> symbols = ['H', 'O'] custom : dict, opt Create custom symmetry functions, and override defaults. Default is None. The structure of the dictionary is as follows: >>> custom = {'G2': {'etas': etas}, 'G3': {'etas': a_etas, 'zetas': zetas, 'gammas': gammas}} angular_type : str Compute "G3" or "G4" angular symmetry functions. Return ------ GP : dict Symmetry function parameters. """ GP = {} if custom is None: logger.warning("Making default symmetry functions...") for symbol in symbols: # Radial etas = np.logspace(np.log10(0.05), np.log10(5.0), num=4) _GP = self.get_symmetry_functions(type="G2", etas=etas, symbols=symbols) # Angular etas = [0.005] zetas = [1.0, 4.0] gammas = [1.0, -1.0] _GP += self.get_symmetry_functions( type=angular_type, symbols=symbols, etas=etas, zetas=zetas, gammas=gammas, ) GP[symbol] = _GP else: logger.warning("Making custom symmetry functions...") types = sorted(custom.keys()) for symbol in symbols: _GP = [] for type_ in types: if type_.upper() == "G2": keys = ["Rs"] kwargs = {} for key in keys: val = custom[type_].get(key, None) if val is not None: kwargs[key] = val _GP += self.get_symmetry_functions( type=type_, etas=custom[type_]["etas"], symbols=symbols, **kwargs, ) else: keys = ["gammas", "Rs_a", "thetas"] kwargs = {} for key in keys: val = custom[type_].get(key, None) if val is not None: kwargs[key] = val _GP += self.get_symmetry_functions( type=type_, symbols=symbols, etas=custom[type_]["etas"], zetas=custom[type_]["zetas"], **kwargs, ) GP[symbol] = _GP return GP
[docs] def get_symmetry_functions(self, type, symbols, etas=None, zetas=None, gammas=None): """Get requested symmetry functions Parameters ---------- type : str The desired symmetry function: 'G2', 'G3', or 'G4'. symbols : list List of chemical symbols. etas : list List of etas to build the Gaussian function. zetas : list List of zetas to build the Gaussian function. gammas : list List of gammas to build the Gaussian function. """ supported_angular_symmetry_functions = ["G3", "G4"] if type == "G2": GP = [ {"type": "G2", "symbol": symbol, "eta": eta} for eta in etas for symbol in symbols ] return GP elif type in supported_angular_symmetry_functions: GP = [] for eta in etas: for zeta in zetas: for gamma in gammas: for idx1, sym1 in enumerate(symbols): for sym2 in symbols[idx1:]: pairs = sorted([sym1, sym2]) GP.append( { "type": type, "symbols": pairs, "eta": eta, "gamma": gamma, "zeta": zeta, } ) return GP else: raise RuntimeError( "The requested type of symmetry function is not supported." )
[docs] def print_features_params(self, GP): """Print features parameters""""Number of features per chemical element:") for symbol, v in GP.items():" - {}: {}.".format(symbol, len(v))) _symbols = [] for symbol, value in GP.items():" ")"Symmetry function parameters for {symbol} atom:") underline = "---------------------------------------" for char in range(len(symbol)): underline += "-" "{:^5} {:^12} {:4.4} {}".format("#", "Symbol", "Type", "Parameters") ) if symbol not in _symbols: _symbols.append(symbol) for i, v in enumerate(value): type_ = v["type"] eta = v["eta"] if type_ == "G2": symbol = v["symbol"] params = "{:^5} {:12.2} {:^4.4} eta: {:.4f}".format( i, symbol, type_, eta ) else: symbol = str(v["symbols"])[1:-1].replace("'", "") gamma = v["gamma"] zeta = v["zeta"] params = ( "{:^5} {:12} {:^4.5} eta: {:.4f} " "gamma: {:7.4f} zeta: {:.4f}".format( i, symbol, type_, eta, gamma, zeta ) )
[docs]def calculate_G2( n_numbers, neighborsymbols, neighborpositions, center_symbol, eta, cutoff, cutofffxn, Ri, image_molecule=None, n_indices=None, normalized=True, weighted=False, ): """Calculate G2 symmetry function. These correspond to 2 body, or radial interactions. Parameters ---------- n_symbols : list of int List of neighbors' chemical numbers. neighborsymbols : list of str List of symbols of all neighbor atoms. neighborpositions : list of list of floats List of Cartesian atomic positions. center_symbol : str Chemical symbol of the center atom. eta : float Parameter of Gaussian symmetry functions. cutoff : float Cutoff radius. cutofffxn : object Cutoff function. Ri : list Position of the center atom. Should be fed as a list of three floats. normalized : bool Whether or not the symmetry function is normalized. image_molecule : ase object, list List of atoms in an image. n_indices : list List of indices of neighboring atoms from the image object. weighted : bool True if applying weighted feature of Gaussian function. See Ref. 2. Returns ------- feature : float Radial feature. """ feature = 0.0 num_neighbors = len(neighborpositions) # Are we normalizing the feature? if normalized: Rc = cutoff else: Rc = 1.0 for count in range(num_neighbors): symbol = neighborsymbols[count] Rj = neighborpositions[count] if symbol == center_symbol: Rij = np.linalg.norm(Rj - Ri) feature += np.exp(-eta * (Rij ** 2.0) / (Rc ** 2.0)) * cutofffxn(Rij) if weighted: weighted_atom = image_molecule[n_indices[count]].number feature *= weighted_atom return feature
[docs]def calculate_G3( n_numbers, neighborsymbols, neighborpositions, G_elements, gamma, zeta, eta, cutoff, cutofffxn, Ri, normalized=True, image_molecule=None, n_indices=None, weighted=False, ): """Calculate G3 symmetry function. These are 3 body or angular interactions. Parameters ---------- n_symbols : list of int List of neighbors' chemical numbers. neighborsymbols : list of str List of symbols of neighboring atoms. neighborpositions : list of list of floats List of Cartesian atomic positions of neighboring atoms. G_elements : list of str A list of two members, each member is the chemical species of one of the neighboring atoms forming the triangle with the center atom. gamma : float Parameter of Gaussian symmetry functions. zeta : float Parameter of Gaussian symmetry functions. eta : float Parameter of Gaussian symmetry functions. cutoff : float Cutoff radius. cutofffxn : object Cutoff function. Ri : list Position of the center atom. Should be fed as a list of three floats. normalized : bool Whether or not the symmetry function is normalized. image_molecule : ase object, list List of atoms in an image. n_indices : list List of indices of neighboring atoms from the image object. weighted : bool True if applying weighted feature of Gaussian function. See Ref. 2. Returns ------- feature : float G3 feature value. """ feature = 0.0 counts = range(len(neighborpositions)) # Are we normalizing the feature? if normalized: Rc = cutoff else: Rc = 1.0 for j in counts: for k in counts[(j + 1) :]: els = sorted([neighborsymbols[j], neighborsymbols[k]]) if els != G_elements: continue Rij_vector = neighborpositions[j] - Ri Rij = np.linalg.norm(Rij_vector) Rik_vector = neighborpositions[k] - Ri Rik = np.linalg.norm(Rik_vector) Rjk_vector = neighborpositions[k] - neighborpositions[j] Rjk = np.linalg.norm(Rjk_vector) cos_theta_ijk =, Rik_vector) / Rij / Rik term = (1.0 + gamma * cos_theta_ijk) ** zeta term *= np.exp(-eta * (Rij ** 2.0 + Rik ** 2.0 + Rjk ** 2.0) / (Rc ** 2.0)) if weighted: term *= weighted_h(image_molecule, n_indices) term *= cutofffxn(Rij) term *= cutofffxn(Rik) term *= cutofffxn(Rjk) feature += term feature *= 2.0 ** (1.0 - zeta) return feature
[docs]def calculate_G4( n_numbers, neighborsymbols, neighborpositions, G_elements, gamma, zeta, eta, cutoff, cutofffxn, Ri, normalized=True, image_molecule=None, n_indices=None, weighted=False, ): """Calculate G4 symmetry function. These are 3 body or angular interactions. Parameters ---------- n_symbols : list of int List of neighbors' chemical numbers. neighborsymbols : list of str List of symbols of neighboring atoms. neighborpositions : list of list of floats List of Cartesian atomic positions of neighboring atoms. G_elements : list of str A list of two members, each member is the chemical species of one of the neighboring atoms forming the triangle with the center atom. gamma : float Parameter of Gaussian symmetry functions. zeta : float Parameter of Gaussian symmetry functions. eta : float Parameter of Gaussian symmetry functions. cutoff : float Cutoff radius. cutofffxn : object Cutoff function. Ri : list Position of the center atom. Should be fed as a list of three floats. normalized : bool Whether or not the symmetry function is normalized. image_molecule : ase object, list List of atoms in an image. n_indices : list List of indices of neighboring atoms from the image object. weighted : bool True if applying weighted feature of Gaussian function. See Ref. 2. Returns ------- feature : float G4 feature value. Notes ----- The difference between the calculate_G3 and the calculate_G4 function is that calculate_G4 accounts for bond angles of 180 degrees. """ feature = 0.0 counts = range(len(neighborpositions)) # Are we normalizing the feature? if normalized: Rc = cutoff else: Rc = 1.0 for j in counts: for k in counts[(j + 1) :]: els = sorted([neighborsymbols[j], neighborsymbols[k]]) if els != G_elements: continue Rij_vector = neighborpositions[j] - Ri Rij = np.linalg.norm(Rij_vector) Rik_vector = neighborpositions[k] - Ri Rik = np.linalg.norm(Rik_vector) cos_theta_ijk =, Rik_vector) / Rij / Rik term = (1.0 + gamma * cos_theta_ijk) ** zeta term *= np.exp(-eta * (Rij ** 2.0 + Rik ** 2.0) / (Rc ** 2.0)) if weighted: term *= weighted_h(image_molecule, n_indices) term *= cutofffxn(Rij) term *= cutofffxn(Rik) feature += term feature *= 2.0 ** (1.0 - zeta) return feature
[docs]def weighted_h(image_molecule, n_indices): """ Calculate the atomic numbers of neighboring atoms for a molecule, then multiplies each neighor atomic number by each other. Parameters ---------- image_molecule : ase object, list List of atoms in an image. n_indices : list List of indices of neighboring atoms from the image object. """ atomic_numbers = 1.0 for i in n_indices: atomic_numbers *= image_molecule[i].number return atomic_numbers