=================== Visualization =================== .. contents:: :local: We also offer a :mod:`ml4chem.visualization` module to plot interesting graphics about your model, features, or even monitor the progress of the loss function and error minimization. Two backends are supported to plot in ML4Chem: Seaborn and Plotly. An example is shown below:: from ml4chem.visualization import plot_atomic_features fig = plot_atomic_features("latent_space.db", method="pca", dimensions=3, backend="plotly") fig.write_html("latent_example.html") This will produce an interactive plot with plotly where dimensionality was reduced using PCA, and an html with the name `latent_example.html` is created. .. raw:: html :file: _static/pca_visual.html To activate plotly in Jupyter or JupyterLab follow the instructions shown in `https://plot.ly/python/getting-started/#jupyter-notebook-support `_ If plotly is not rendering correctly you need to install the jupyter extension:: jupyter labextension install @jupyterlab/plotly-extension