Source code for ml4chem.visualization

import logging
import numpy as np
import pandas as pd
import as px
import seaborn as sns
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
from collections import OrderedDict
from sklearn.metrics import mean_squared_error, r2_score, mean_absolute_error
from sklearn.pipeline import make_pipeline
from import load

logger = logging.getLogger()

[docs]def parity(predictions, true, scores=False, filename=None, **kwargs): """A parity plot function Parameters ---------- predictions : list or ndarray Model predictions in a list. true : list or ndarray Targets or true values. scores : bool Print scores in parity plot. filename : str A name to save the plot to a file. If filename is non existent, we call Notes ----- kwargs accepts all valid keyword arguments for matplotlib.pyplot.savefig. """ min_val = min(true) max_val = max(true) fig = plt.figure(figsize=(6, 6)) ax = fig.add_subplot(111) ax.plot(true, predictions, "r.") ax.plot([min_val, max_val], [min_val, max_val], "k-", lw=0.3) plt.xlabel("True Values") plt.ylabel("ML4Chem Predictions") if scores: rmse = np.sqrt(mean_squared_error(true, predictions)) mae = mean_absolute_error(true, predictions) correlation = r2_score(true, predictions) plt.text( min_val, max_val, "R-squared = {:.2f} \n" "RMSE = {:.2f}\n" "MAE = {:.2f}\n".format(correlation, rmse, mae), ) if filename is None: else: plt.savefig(filename, **kwargs)
[docs]def read_log(logfile, metric="loss", refresh=None, data_only=False): """Read the logfile Parameters ---------- logfile : str Path to logfile. metric : str The keys,values of the dictionary are: - "loss": Loss function values. - "training": Training error. - "test": Test error. - "combined": training + test errors in same plot. refresh : float Interval in seconds before refreshing log file plot. data_only : bool If set to True, this function returns only data in a dataframe with the following structure: >>> df.head() epochs loss training test 0 1 33779.46 815.6884 793.3943 Returns ------- pandas.DataFrame or matplotlib.pyplot object If data_only is true we return dataframe, otherwise a figure. """ if refresh is not None: # This means that there is no dynamic update of the plot # We create an interactive plot plt.ion() fig = plt.figure() axes = fig.add_subplot(111) # This is for autoscale axes.set_autoscale_on(True) axes.autoscale_view(True, True, True) axes.set_xlabel("Epochs") annotation = axes.text(0, 0, str("")) metric = metric.lower() f = open(logfile, "r") check = "Epoch" start = False epochs = [] loss = [] training = [] test = [] initiliazed = False while refresh is not None: for line in f.readlines(): if check in line: start = True if start: try: line = line.split() epochs.append(int(line[0])) loss.append(float(line[3])) training.append(float(line[4])) test.append(float(line[6])) except IndexError: epochs.append(int(line[0])) loss.append(float(line[3])) training.append(float(line[4])) except ValueError: pass if initiliazed is False: if metric == "loss": (fig,) = plt.plot(epochs, loss, label="Loss") elif metric == "training": (fig,) = plt.plot(epochs, training, label="Training") elif metric == "test": (fig,) = plt.plot(epochs, test, label="Test") elif metric == "combined": (fig,) = plt.plot(epochs, training, label="Training") (fig2,) = plt.plot(epochs, test, label="Test") else: if metric == "loss": fig.set_data(epochs, loss) elif metric == "training": fig.set_data(epochs, training) elif metric == "test": fig.set_data(epochs, test) elif metric == "combined": fig.set_data(epochs, training) fig2.set_data(epochs, test) # Updating annotation if metric == "loss": values = loss else: values = training reported = values[-1] x = int(epochs[-1] * 0.9) y = float(reported * 1.3) annotation.set_text("{:.5f}".format(reported)) annotation.set_position((x, y)) plt.legend(loc="upper left") axes.relim() axes.autoscale_view(True, True, True) # Draw the plot plt.draw() plt.pause(refresh) initiliazed = True else: for line in f.readlines(): if check in line: start = True if start: try: line = line.split() epochs.append(int(line[0])) loss.append(float(line[3])) training.append(float(line[4])) test.append(float(line[6])) except ValueError: pass if metric == "loss": (fig,) = plt.plot(epochs, loss, label="loss") elif metric == "training": (fig,) = plt.plot(epochs, training, label="Training") elif metric == "test": (fig,) = plt.plot(epochs, test, label="Training") elif metric == "combined": (fig,) = plt.plot(epochs, training, label="Training") (fig,) = plt.plot(epochs, test, label="Test") if data_only: data = OrderedDict() columns = ["epochs", "loss", "training", "test"] arr = [epochs, loss, training, test] if metric != "combined": columns.pop(-1) arr.pop(-1) for i, column in enumerate(columns): data[column] = arr[i] return pd.DataFrame.from_dict(data) else:
[docs]def plot_atomic_features( latent_space, method="PCA", dimensions=2, backend="seaborn", data_only=False, preprocessor=None, backend_kwargs=None, **kwargs, ): """Plot high dimensional atomic feature vectors This function can take a feature space dictionary, or a database file and plot the atomic features using PCA or t-SNE. $ ml4chem --plot tsne --file path.db Parameters ---------- latent_space : dict or str Dictionary of atomic features of path to database file. method : str, optional Dimensionality reduction method to employed, by default "PCA". Supported are: "PCA" and "TSNE". dimensions : int, optional Number of dimensions to reduce the high dimensional atomic feature vectors, by default 2. backend : str, optional Select the backend to plot features. Supported are "plotly" and "seaborn", by default "plotly". preprocessor : obj One of the preprocessors supported by sklearn e.g.: StandardScaler(), Normalizer(). backend_kwargs : dict Dictionary with extra keyword arguments to extend functionality of backends that cannot be set with the defaults keyword arguments of the plot_atomic_features function. For more information see: - - data_only : bool If set to True, this function returns only data in a dataframe with the following structure: """ if backend_kwargs == None: backend_kwargs = {} method = method.lower() backend = backend.lower() dot_size = kwargs.get("dot_size", 2) supported_methods = ["pca", "tsne"] if method not in supported_methods: raise NotImplementedError if backend == "seaborn": # This hack is needed because it seems plotly import overwrite # everything. import matplotlib.pyplot as plt axis = ["x", "y", "z"] if dimensions > 3: raise NotImplementedError elif dimensions == 2: axis.pop(-1) if isinstance(latent_space, str): latent_space = load(latent_space) full_ls = [] full_symbols = [] # This conditional is needed if you are passing an atomic feature database. if b"feature_space" in latent_space.keys(): latent_space = latent_space[b"feature_space"] for hash, feature_space in latent_space.items(): for symbol, feature_vector in feature_space: try: symbol = symbol.decode("utf-8") except AttributeError: pass if isinstance(feature_vector, np.ndarray) is False: feature_vector = feature_vector.numpy() full_symbols.append(symbol) full_ls.append(feature_vector) if method == "pca": from sklearn.decomposition import PCA labels = {str(axis[i]): "PCA-{}".format(i + 1) for i in range(len(axis))} dim_reduction = PCA(n_components=dimensions, **backend_kwargs) if preprocessor != None: f"Creating pipeline with preprocessor {preprocessor.__class__.__name__}..." ) dim_reduction = make_pipeline(preprocessor, dim_reduction) pca_result = dim_reduction.fit_transform(full_ls) to_pandas = [] entry = [] for i, element in enumerate(pca_result): entry = [full_symbols[i]] for d in range(dimensions): entry.append(element[d]) to_pandas.append(entry) columns = ["Symbol"] args = {} for key in axis: columns.append(labels[key]) args[key] = labels[key] df = pd.DataFrame(to_pandas, columns=columns) if dimensions == 3 and backend == "plotly": args["color"] = "Symbol" plt = px.scatter_3d(df, **args) plt.update_traces(marker=dict(size=dot_size)) elif dimensions == 2 and backend == "plotly": args["color"] = "Symbol" plt = px.scatter(df, **args) plt.update_traces(marker=dict(size=dot_size)) elif dimensions == 3 and backend == "seaborn": raise ("This backend is for 2D visualization") elif dimensions == 2 and backend == "seaborn": sns.scatterplot(**labels, data=df, hue="Symbol") elif method == "tsne": from sklearn import manifold labels = {str(axis[i]): "t-SNE-{}".format(i + 1) for i in range(len(axis))} dim_reduction = manifold.TSNE(n_components=dimensions, **backend_kwargs) if preprocessor != None: f"Creating pipeline with preprocessor {preprocessor.__class__.__name__}..." ) dim_reduction = make_pipeline(preprocessor, dim_reduction) tsne_result = dim_reduction.fit_transform(full_ls) to_pandas = [] entry = [] for i, element in enumerate(tsne_result): entry = [full_symbols[i]] for d in range(dimensions): entry.append(element[d]) to_pandas.append(entry) columns = ["Symbol"] args = {} for key in axis: columns.append(labels[key]) args[key] = labels[key] df = pd.DataFrame(to_pandas, columns=columns) if dimensions == 3 and backend == "plotly": args["color"] = "Symbol" plt = px.scatter_3d(df, **args) plt.update_traces(marker=dict(size=dot_size)) elif dimensions == 2 and backend == "plotly": args["color"] = "Symbol" plt = px.scatter(df, **args) plt.update_traces(marker=dict(size=dot_size)) elif dimensions == 3 and backend == "seaborn": raise ("This backend is for 2D visualization") elif dimensions == 2 and backend == "seaborn": sns.scatterplot(**labels, data=df, hue="Symbol") if data_only: return df, dim_reduction else: try: except: pass return plt, df, dim_reduction